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The Best SharePoint Training - 100% Practical - Get Certified Now!

Lianamelissa 5 years ago updated by Sindhu 3 weeks ago 65

Mindmajix SharePoint training will help you develop the skills and knowledge required to configure and manage a SharePoint Server environment. It will enable you to gain in-depth knowledge of server application architecture, web content management, business intelligence, workflows, etc., through a hands-on approach with real-world examples. Our training is designed according to the latest developments in SharePoint, and learning them will be essential for clearing the SharePoint Certification Exam.


How has ServiceNow transformed the way your organization handles IT service management?

sai chinnu 1 month ago 0

ServiceNow has revolutionized our approach to IT service management by providing a unified platform for streamlining workflows, automating repetitive tasks, and enhancing collaboration across teams. With ServiceNow, we've experienced improved efficiency, reduced downtime, and elevated customer satisfaction levels. How has ServiceNow made an impact on your organization's IT operations?


Add Okta user to Okta group Python sdk

surya 2 months ago 0

Is there a method to add a user to an Okta group? I see update_group, but nothing specific on how to add a user to an Okta group.


Okta Essentials: Unlocking the Power of Identity Management

brother info 3 months ago 0

Welcome to our Okta Training program, where we demystify the world of Identity and Access Management (IAM) with a comprehensive and hands-on approach. In this training, you'll embark on a journey from Okta basics to advanced techniques, equipping yourself with the skills needed to effectively manage identities and access in modern enterprise environments.

Our expert-led sessions will cover the essentials of Okta, exploring topics such as user authentication, single sign-on, and adaptive multi-factor authentication. You'll gain a deep understanding of how Okta seamlessly integrates with various applications, ensuring a secure and frictionless user experience.

As you progress through the training, you'll dive into advanced features, including lifecycle management, group and application assignments, and API integrations. Practical demonstrations and real-world scenarios will enhance your problem-solving skills and prepare you for the challenges of implementing Okta in diverse organizational settings.


Snowflake JDBC ResultSet with more than 1000 rows not reaching Client

digital specz 1 year ago 0

fetching data From Snowflake privatelink account using JDBC queries , the app is running behind a restricted firewall and proxy , When we run SnowCD it shows many URL are blocked , but if we pass proxy information in snowcd then it succesfully pass all test.

Now when we run our app to connect snowflake and execute queries , those queries which returns small data executes but those who returns large data (3000 rows+) goes in waiting , and after long wait timeout error comes. Same queries works when data is small.


4th Edition of International Conference on Dermatology and Cosmetology

NIck Chatten 1 year ago 0

Magnus Group gladly invites you to attend its HYBRID EVENT 4th Edition of International Conference on Dermatology and Cosmetology (IDC 2023) slated during May 24-25, 2023at Tokyo, Japan.

The conference deliberations will be on the theme “Revolutionizing Skin Care Through Advances in Dermatology and Cosmetology”

Dermatology Conferences not only offer a ton of opportunities to learn about the latest advances and discoveries in skin care, but also a wonderful experience! You can participate in lectures, attend workshops and communicate with other industry professionals.

Dermatology Conference will help to share knowledge and experience of skincare education, cosmetic products, throughout the world. Following the legacy of our previous conference, this prestigious conference will continue its philosophy by encouraging research and practise sharing in the fields of dermatology and cosmetology as it directly impacts students and professional practitioners' learning experience and needs for healthcare and social care, safety and the safety of people and communities that it serves throughout the world. Cosmetology Conferences provides inspirational keynote presentations and more than 30 concurrent sessions featuring professional nursing practitioners, who will share their plethora of knowledge on all frontier topics related to the field of Dermatology and Cosmetology


WordPress Training In Hyderabad

Hamdan Shine 3 years ago updated by naba 1 year ago 3

WordPress is more than a blogging platform, and it can be us as static websites, E-commerce sites. The WordPress training helps us the creation of content, managing, and working on WordPress plugins. It’s not only knowing you to build a website, but also you can maintain your site by editing and updating yourself in the future.


Jenkins Execute shell behaving differently

sesame technologies 1 year ago 0

I am creating a Jenkins project which executes a shell on build. Inside the execute shell I am running a python script like `python3 pythonScriptFile.py "${arg1}" "${arg2}" "${arg3}"

the python file internal call a shell script.

python -> shell1 -> shell2 -> return back to python file to continue execution.

when i execute the python file with arguments in terminal the the execution is synchronous one after the other.

but when I run the same in Jenkins first the shell is executed then the python file.

`print("SCRIPT Started")

process = os.system("""sh script.sh -t {arg1} -e {arg2}""")


if process.returncode != 0:


print("Error executing build script")



Script executed (which is a echo inside shell)

SCRIPT Started


Expected Output:

SCRIPT Started

Script executed (which is a echo inside shell)



Change default instance disk size in the kubernetes-jenkins plugin

tranzz tech 1 year ago 0

When we spin up an instance using the kubernetes jenkins plugin, the disk space default to 10G. Is there anyway to change it?

We are running 1.2.0-0.13 and using dockers on CentOS7.


Azure conditional access by device name

digi sphs 1 year ago 0

I want to limit access to Azure P2S VPN by computername. What I did:
I configure one conditional policy to block all users(Pol1).
Second conditional policy(Pol2):

  • All Users
  • In Cloud apps or actions I selected Azure VPN
  • Conditions - Filter for devices - Include filtered devices in policy
    • displayName contains MyComputerName
    • deviceID equals MyDeviceID (I got it using dsrgcmd /status)
  • Access controls -Grant access - Require multifactor authentication

When I am trying to connect with Azure VPN I see in Sign-in logs Pol1 failed. (Block access for all). Pol2 is Not Applied. Why? I specified to check out for Name or ID...

Next step instead of second policy I created a policy that Grant only for following:
Require multifactor authentication
Require domain-joined device

It doesn't work. I joined my computer to Azure AD - doesn't help. I still getting:
Not satisfied
Require multifactor authentication
Require domain-joined device